Knocking with door knocker. (Photo courtesy of © with door knocker. (Photo courtesy of ©

Calling On Volunteers Ahead Of Heart Month

Prepare to see people going door-to-door in the new year as part of a campaign for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Area coordinator Dajana Dragicevic says they're starting to recruit volunteers for the 60th annual person-to-person canvassing campaign set to happen in February.

She says they're hoping to have 2,700 volunteers for the London-Middlesex, St.Thomas-Elgin, and Chatham-Kent areas.

"People would be going door-to-door, collecting donations in their neighbourhoods for heart and stroke, and helping spread a little bit of awareness," says Dragicevic.

However, going door-to-door isn't the only way people can help out the campaign.

Dragicevic says there's a friends and family kit, which is very similar to the door-to-door campaign but it's with people you know, and there's an online campaign that can be shared through social media.

"Right now we're looking to recruit volunteers, so we're assigning routes and we're getting our kits ready," she says. "Then come January is when we have our heart rallies so that's the chance where people will go and pick-up the canvassing kit that they'll need to collect donations with."

In addition to picking up the kits at the events, Dragicevic says it's an opportunity for people to learn more about the cause, where funds go, and hear from a survivor.

"It's basically a fun kick-off to the February heart month," she says.

Dates and locations have yet to be set for the heart rallies but will be posted to their website in the near future.

People can sign up by contacting their local Heart and Stroke office.

Residents who worry about scams should know, volunteers with the Heart and Stroke Foundation will give receipts for accepted donations and volunteers will be wearing ID badges.

"All the funds go to local research ... What's kind of shocking at the moment -- especially in Chatham-Kent, is it's the number one area that suffers from the most heart attacks," she says.

"It's something we need to change and that's what we're working towards, so we definitely need the volunteers."

Dragicevic says they raised about $350,000 last year so they're hoping to raise a little more this year with a goal of $358,000.

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