St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School on Oxford Street West in London. Photo from Google Maps Street ViewSt. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School on Oxford Street West in London. Photo from Google Maps Street View.

Disciplinary measures possible after photos altered to make high schoolers appear nude

An investigation is underway into a "disturbing situation" in which photos of London high school students were altered using artificial intelligence (AI) to make the teens appear nude.

Parents of students at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School were notified about the incident through a letter from school administrators sent earlier this week.

"Over the last several days, some of our students’ pictures have been copied from their social media sites. Once copied, the photos have been altered using AI (artificial intelligence). In the altered photos, students appear to be nude," the letter states.

It goes on to inform parents that the AI-altered photos have been distributed through group chats and that the school considers this a disturbing situation.

"As you can imagine, this is a very difficult and challenging situation for our young students and can have lasting adverse effects for them," administrators of the west London school wrote to parents. "In addition, those who are sharing the photos through group chats continue to promulgate this ominous use of AI and the harmful consequences it has on our school community members. The creation and distribution of this material could result in disciplinary measures."

Officials with the school and London District Catholic School Board are asking parents to speak with their children about the dangers of social media and artificial intelligence, as well as the inappropriateness of distributing these types of images.

The school board has also reported the incident to London police and have been following their guidance. Investigators were at the school on Wednesday. They have not specified whether charges could be laid in relation to the photographs.

"Police have been made aware of the incident and are investigating," said Acting Sergeant Sandasha Bough.

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