Teachers walk the picket line during their one-day strike, December 4, 2019. (Photo by Miranda Chant, Blackburn News)Teachers walk the picket line during their one-day strike, December 4, 2019. (Photo by Miranda Chant, Blackburn News)

French-language teachers ratify agreement

The latest big teachers union to ratify a collective agreement with the Ontario government is the Association des ensiegnantes et ensiegnants franco-ontariens.

The union that represents 12,000 elementary and high school teachers at Ontario's 12 French-language school boards held an online vote on April 29 and April 30.

The previous agreement expired on August 31, 2019, and the new deal is in place until August 31, 2022.

"Thank you to AEFO members for their unwavering support throughout negotiations," said President Remi Sabourin. "The ratification of the March 31 agreement shows that despite particularly difficult bargaining, AEFO members recognize this is the best possible outcome in the present circumstances."

French-language teachers, like their counterparts across Ontario, held a series of one-day strikes earlier this year to pressure the government at the bargaining table.

The Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario and the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association have already ratified their agreements.

"I also wish to thank parents and the public for their solidarity during these long and arduous negotiations," added Sabourin.

Bargaining now begins with the separate school boards.

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